
Powerflow Yoga - Yoga Classes

You Did It! Way to Go, PFY 20 in 30s

We are so proud of our PFY warriors. You did it! Today concludes the latest and greatest 20 in 30 Challenge. We had a record number of yogis going for 20 classes during the month of November. Also, we had a record number of students complete the program. It was beyond incredible. The classes were packed. The community commiserated and celebrated. Seriously, though. We freaking did it.


We get bragging rights. We get new tank tops (photos to come). And if you didn’t quite make 20, you are still part of our rockstar team. We know things come up–out-of-town trips, head colds, emergency work loads. Sure, the end game is fun. But it’s the journey that really matters. What was your yoga journey this month?


Craig Lombardo (pictured), a PFY regular who visits all of our studios, took 50 classes in 30 days. For real. “I enjoy pushing the envelope,” he said. This guy was sore and tired sometimes, but always happy. For Craig, it was all about the attitude he put into it. He had some time this month to do the challenge, so he went for it.


The rest of us, myself included, did our 20 and threw in the sweaty towel. This was the hardest one even though I knew to pace myself. I had to face my mental blocks this time, and they were brick walls. But. I. Did. It.


Another regular, Sonya Fleyshman from Glen Rock, said, “Done with my 20 in 30 for the third time in a row: pre-pregnant, pregnant and postpartum. Comparing: Pregnant was easiest!”


Mary Moscarello Gutierrez put it best: “Congratulations to everyone who finished the 20 in 30. I joined the club yesterday and can say I am a more dedicated yogi because of it. Hit some milestones, too. Feeling great about continuing the journey. Namaste.”


Raise your right hand now and pat yourself on the back. Whether you did one class this month or 20, we are all in this together. High five and way to go!


Kristen Kemp


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Powerflow Yoga

Powerflow Yoga

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