
Powerflow Yoga - Yoga Classes

Featured Playlist: Groove Through Your July 4th BBQ With Erin Barry Music

We’re going to post our teachers’ best and brightest music more often here on this blog. Why? Because the music is just too good to keep to ourselves. YOU ARE WELCOME! Use it to groove through this year’s 4th of July BBQ. Or crank it up while you do a home practice, wash the dishes or snap your daily PFY IG Challenge pose. (It’s Warrior 1 today!).

Our first featured playlist is from one of our most imitable and outgoing teachers, Erin Barry, who works at PFY Bloomfield and Wayne. She absolutely killed it teaching to 300+ yogis at Yo-Tiki a week ago, and her tunes were a big part of the free outdoor class’ success. She knows how rock it out and find music her people love. She always matches the songs to a particular feeling or mood she wants to create. “Every authentic spiritual practice has music… singing, chanting or something to uplift,” she says. “That is the purpose for my music in the classes I teach.”

The Yo-Tiki tunes had a Summer Beach theme. You must listen to this. You will defiitely sing. You might even laugh when Wilson Phillips comes on. So turn it up here: Yo-Tiki 2015 on Spotify. Or download this playlist however you like, songs listed below:


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Powerflow Yoga

Powerflow Yoga

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