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December 21, 2021

3 Yin Poses to Get Through the Holidays

By: Powerflow Yoga

The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, right? But they can be hectic, too. The season is a big swirl of activity and emotion, so many people practice yoga to stay calm and centered. Especially helpful this time of year are relaxing yin yoga poses. Yin yoga targets deep layers of the […]

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November 10, 2016

Stressful Week? Try This Yin Pose and Free Class

By: Powerflow Yoga

Stressful week? Yin yoga is the answer. We want you to relax so badly that we’re offering a free yin class this Sunday at 5:30 pm at PFY Glen Rock. All you have to do is stay afterward for the 30-Hour Yin Teacher Training Q&A with Deb Donnally. It’s a wonderful program that will enhance […]

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