
Powerflow Yoga - Yoga Classes

Andrea Scaramelli’s Lifeblood Yoga: Cool Stuff

Most PFY yogis have heard of Andrea Scaramelli. She’s a creative, popular and powerful teacher in Wayne, Livingston and Morristown. Last Saturday, she launched her line of Lifeblood Yoga products and tanks at PFY Wayne. She sells cool stuff like body scrubs, mat sprays and tanks she created herself. Need a last-minute gift? Email Andrea now! She will drop off your order at your PFY studio.

“I like to make things and be creative, so I started my own little lab in my kitchen mixing up all natural organic stuff. For years I have made my own mat spray elixir,” she says. She’s always dreamed of having her own business, and now she’s making it happen. She has a background in business and human resources, so she’s putting her skills to good use with something more yoga related.

So what are the sprays and scrubs made of? Andrea researched what is good for mats, especially the natural fiber ones such as Jade. “They all have a dose of tea tree oil and witch hazel, and they are safe for all mats,” she says. The most popular ones are Organic Peppermint and Eucalyptus. As for her scrubs, they are made from vitamin E oil, refined coconut oils, vegetable glycerin, essential oils. She loves them personally. She also designs tanks herself one with a funky buddha, another with a sun and one with her Lifeblood Yoga logo.

She’s taking her business slowly, step by step. “I love teaching, creating and taking risks trying new things,” she explains. If you have a dream like Andrea’s, take her advice: The hardest part right now is just buckling down, excuting and making her ideas come to life. “But if you have an idea, go for it,” she says. “If you believe in something, and you use it, it’s pretty likely other yogis will like it, too. It’s so nice to get so much support.”

Check out her line–and definitey check out Andrea’s classes. See her schedule below:

Special Christmas Day class Thursday, 12-25:
9:30 am in Morristown

Subbing Sunday 12-28:
10 am in Livingston

Regular schedule, after holidays:
Tuesdays, 7:30 pm warm basics in Waye
Thursdays, 4:30 pm in Morristown
Fridays, 9:30 am in Wayne
Saturdays, 9 am in Wayne

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Powerflow Yoga

Powerflow Yoga

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