
Powerflow Yoga - Yoga Classes

20 in 30: 5 Tips for Surviving the Last Half

We’ve passed the halfway mark for our November 20 classes in 30 days challenge. Some yogis have completed 17+. Some have done 2. We are cheering for you all. If your mind is starting to be more clear and focused, and your muscles are starting to be stonger and more supple, then the mission is already accomplished. This challenge builds something really special–even for the people who just see it going on around them in the studio. 20 in 30 is about reconnecting to your yoga practice and all the benefits it brings. It’s also about building a close and supportive like-minded community.
If you’re going for it, and you’re hovering around 5, 10 or 17 classes, you may be feeling tired. That is totally normal! Your body is reacting to the extra activity and heat. All that’s happening is that you are getting stronger. Now more than ever, be sure to take good care of yourself. Read below.

5 Tips for Surviving the Last Half of 20 in 30

1. Sleep!
However much you sleep, add 30 or 60 more minutes every night. Trust us. Your body needs the extra recovery time right now to restore and rebuild tissues. Turn off your phone and TV a little early and notice how much better you feel.

2. Drink!
Add coconut water or something with potassium to your daily fluid intake. If you’re feeling dehydrated, drink more liquids more often. A nice thirst quencher is a banana smoothie made with cow or almond milk.

3. Pace yourself.
Now it’s important to mix up your daily practice. Sure, it’s fine to take classes that are really challenging, but mix up your schedule up by adding in a warm basics, warm aligned, restorative or yin class. You body will enjoy a little backing off. Your mind will too. We recommend that you keep going, but that you don’t push your body beyond its edge for 20 classes straight.

4. Treat yourself.
You’ve made it halfway, so go ahead and have a favorite healthy meal. Lots of protein, produce and liquids will fuel your body when it needs it most. If you need a little bit of ice cream or dark chocolate or pizza, have it. Your body is burning a lot of calories. Reward yourself with foods that make you feel energized and happy. Small treats go a long way.

5. Hug!
Want to feel awesome quickly? Grab a yogi and give him/her a hug. Grab your studio manager. Grab your teacher. Hugs have been shown to boost immunity, release tension in the body, take away pain, encourage empathy and understanding and make you feel supported. Experts recommend up to 12 hugs a day to maximize benefits.
Good luck everyone. Remember to put up your stickers and to keep feeling proud. This is a big challenge, and you’re doing great.

Photo courtesy of Jennifer Feinberg. Her third grade class is helping her keep track of her classes. It’s the cutest!

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Powerflow Yoga

Powerflow Yoga

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